Posts Tagged glaucoma
Leading glaucoma surgeon Dr. Ramesh Ayyala named new chair of ophthalmology
Ramesh S. Ayyala, MD, FRCS, FRCOphth, an internationally renowned glaucoma surgeon and researcher who rebuilt the ophthalmology residency program at Tulane University following Hurricane Katrina, has been named […]
Chad Dickey studies key role of chaperone proteins in Alzheimer’s, other diseases
Breathing, talking walking, remembering…. All these functions are coordinated by thousands of proteins out on the front lines keeping cells alive, healthy and working normally. They are helped […]
Chaperone protein subverts removal of glaucoma-causing protein, USF-led study finds
Inhibiting the protein, Grp94, could offer new treatment for the sight-robbing eye disease Tampa, FL (Oct. 8, 2012) — The chaperone protein Grp94 can interfere with the clearance […]