Blocking lipoxygenase leads to impaired cardiac repair in acute heart failure
USF Health preclinical study finds that inhibiting lipoxygenase with a drug alters innate inflammatory response, delaying heart tissue repair after cardiac injury TAMPA, Fla. (May 10, 2021) — […]
Michael Teng Q&A: Science behind the mRNA coronavirus vaccines
The race for a COVID-19 vaccine began when Chinese scientists published the genetic sequence for the SARS-COV-2 virus on Jan. 11, 2020 – a full two months before […]
Distinct lipid biomarkers key to cardiac repair differences in blacks and whites after heart attack
USF Health-UAB study indicates that lipid mediators may offer new targets for more personalized heart failure diagnosis and treatment TAMPA, Fla (May 4, 2020) — Black men and […]
Infectious diseases expert looks for new ways to combat resilient parasites
USF Health’s Dr. Kami Kim probes the epigenetics of two global parasitic infections, malaria and toxoplasmosis While an undergraduate at Harvard University, Kami Kim, MD, participated in a […]