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University of South Florida

SPTRS director earns national recognition

Douglas Haladay, Douglas Haladay, PT, DPT, PhD, MHS, professor and director of the School of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Sciences in the USF Health Morsani College of Medicine.


















Douglas Haladay, PT, DPT, PhD, MHS, and a collaborative team of physical therapy educators recently received the Physical Therapy Learning Institute Influencer Award.

The award is given to a presentation that has the potential to have a positive influence toward excellence in physical therapy education and is consistent with the vision and mission of PTLI.

Dr. Haladay’s presentation was Development of an Evidence-Based Practice-Specific Entrustable Professional Activity for DPT Students. The purpose of the study was to develop an activity to measure the use of evidence-based practice for DPT students for the provision of patient care that is absent from current performance evaluation tools.

Dr. Haladay is professor and director of the School of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Sciences in the USF Health Morsani College of Medicine.

“Receiving this award is an incredible honor,” Dr. Haladay said.  “This recognition reinforces my dedication to fostering excellence in PT education.  I am deeply grateful for this acknowledgement and excited to continue shaping the future of physical therapy education.”