The USF Health Morsani College of Medicine Class of 2023 held their graduation ceremony at the Straz Center for the Performing Arts May 11.
Cheers and tears of joy filled the Straz Center for the Performing Arts in Tampa as students of the USF Health Morsani College of Medicine Class of 2023, along with their families and friends, brought a four-year medical school journey to an end during a commencement ceremony May 11.
The 179 senior medical students of the Class of 2023 represented a transitional period for the Morsani College of Medicine. The group was the last to begin medical school at the USF Health main campus location in north Tampa. They finished medical school in the new Morsani College of Medicine and Heart Institute in downtown Tampa. Additionally, they were one of few graduating classes to experience medical school before, during and after the COVID-19 pandemic.

Rhea Law, JD, president of the University of South Florida.
Kicking off the ceremony was Rhea Law, JD, president of the University of South Florida and an alumna of USF. In her address to the students, she urged the students to be in a state of constant reflection and display perseverance as they work toward their goals in health care.
“Before you walk across the stage, I encourage you to reflect on your ‘why?’ Why did you choose the University of South Florida for your medical education? Why did you choose to become a health care professional?” said Law. “I urge you to keep pursuing your goals and never underestimate yourselves. You can accomplish anything you set your mind to.”

Charles J. Lockwood, MD, MHCM, executive vice president of USF Health and dean of the USF Health Morsani College of Medicine.
Charles J. Lockwood, MD, MHCM, executive vice president of USF Health and dean of the USF Health Morsani College of Medicine, next addressed the students. He complimented the class on their perseverance and their unique perspective on how crucial patient-centered health care is during and after a pandemic.
“You had front-row seats to observe that those who practice medicine are vital to preserving our society. Your own education was disrupted, access to research impaired, and despite the demands of learning your craft, you volunteered countless hours at COVID test sites and clinics,” Dr. Lockwood said. “You’ve arrived here today because your sustained commitment to the noble goal of becoming a physician and your resilience has paid off. I speak for all of USF Health when I say we could not be prouder of you.”

Stephen Liggett, MD, vice dean of research for the Morsani College of Medicine and associate vice president for research at USF Health, was designated a Distinguished Professor by Charles Lockwood, MD, MHCM, executive vice president for USF Health and dean of the Morsani College of Medicine.
Read Dr. Lockwood’s complete remarks here.
Following his remarks, Dr. Lockwood named Stephen Liggett, MD, a USF Health Distinguished Professor. He is the vice dean of research for the Morsani College of Medicine and associate vice president for research at USF Health. The designation is given to senior staff and faculty who have distinguished themselves within and outside of USF Health. Dr. Lockwood said Dr. Liggett exemplifies all three of USF Health’s missions: research, clinical care, and education.

Jane Castor, mayor of the City of Tampa, received the 2023 Dean’s Award from Charles Lockwood, MD, MHCM, executive vice president of USF Health and dean of the Morsani College of Medicine.
Dr. Lockwood also presented Jane Castor, mayor of the City of Tampa, with the 2023 Dean’s Award for her swift actions taken to help mitigate the spread of COVID-19 in Tampa. Additionally, Dr. Lockwood commended her for her “sure and steady hand” as he described her leadership through other public health crises including access to vaccinations, and actions taken before, during and after Hurricane Ian.
“Never become complacent. Always stay curious. Treat every one of your patients as if they were a family member. Wherever your life’s journey takes you, remember you always have a home here in the city of Tampa,” Castor said in her address to the students. “No one arrives in the position you’re in without the assistance of others and that rings true for the Dean’s Award as well. I accept that with a great deal of gratitude. But also with the understanding of all of the hands that went into our community and region being able to navigate the pandemic as successfully as we did.”
Following Mayor Castor’s remarks, Bryan Bognar, MD, MPH, FACP, vice dean for educational affairs at the Morsani College of Medicine and chair of the Department of Medical Education, welcomed the newest member of the MCOM Academy of Distinguished Educators, Vinita Kiluk, MD. Dr. Kiluk has distinguished herself as both a clinician and educator. She is a pediatrician and co-course director for Doctoring 3.
Bri Anne McKeon, MD, FACOG, assistant dean for clinical curriculum at the Morsani College of Medicine, led the students in the Oath of Hippocrates. USF President Rhea Law conferred the Doctor of Medicine degree to the class, signifying their official transition from medical student to doctor.
One by one, students came center stage to be presented their academic hoods by Milind Kothari, DO, FAAN, and Marna Greenberg, DO, MPH.
After all students received their hoods, a special group of students took center stage for a different type of ceremony; a military commissioned officer promotion ceremony. Air Force Capts. Ana Capati-Fernandez, MD, Tyler Palbicke, MD, Emma Weiland, MD, and Army Capt. Erik Este, MD, were welcomed by a thunderous ovation from the crowd in recognition of their commitment as doctors and as military officers. After reciting the Oath of Office, family members came on stage to pin their new rank on their shoulders.

Left to right: Air Force Capt. Ana Capati-Fernandez, MD, Army Capt. Erik Este, MD, Air Force Capts. Tyler Palbicke, MD, and Emma Weiland, MD, recite the Oath of Commissioning prior to being promoted.
Paige DeBlieux, MD, co-president of the Class of 2023, was voted on by her classmates to deliver the farewell speech. Her message was one of hope and comradery. “Cling to your principles and ideals. Seek contentedness where you are. When others are choosing the route of selfishness, I hope that you cling to what is right. Meet failure and disappointment with courage. Failure and disappointment are necessary to experience success and fulfillment.”
Deborah DeWaay, MD, FACP, associate dean of undergraduate medical education for the Morsani College of Medicine, delivered the charge speech to the students. “It doesn’t matter what culture you’re from, what religion or lack thereof you practice, what part of the world you live, wherever you live, life and balance have never gone together. Life is messy, and fantastic,” she said to the class.
The new doctors will take the next step in their careers when they begin their residencies July 1.
More photos from the ceremony:
Story and photos by Freddie Coleman, video by Allison Long, USF Health Office of Communications.