This year’s top stories highlight USF Health as an academic medical center. Stories of patient gratitude, innovative research and development, and affirmation that the USF Health Morsani College of Medicine is truly the fastest rising medical school in the country.
Take a look at the top USF Health stories of 2022.
Hariom Yadav, PhD, (standing) and Shalini Jain, PhD, were recently recruited to research on the gut-brain connection (gut-brain axis) in relation to cognitive function.
The USF Health Morsani College of Medicine recently earned recognition from the Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Medical Society for their dedication to diversity and understanding in various patient populations. The medical school was one of two medical schools in Florida to receive an Award for Excellence in Inclusion, Diversity and Equity in Medical Education and Patient Care.
The award recognizes medical schools, and their associated AOA chapters, that demonstrate exemplary leadership, innovation, and engagement in fostering an inclusive culture that transforms the ideas of inclusion, diversity and equity into successful programs that support student, staff and faculty diversity in service to the community.  Recipients receive $1,000 cash award to be used to further develop school- and/or chapter-wide programs to support the efforts toward inclusion of under-representation minority students.
MCOM’s recognition comes after creating a curricular thread integrated across all four years of medical school called Humanism in Action. The curriculum teaches students the communication skills necessary to elicit the values of their patients and then integrate those values into the medical plan for patients. Students’ understanding of their patients’ values and culture improves the students’ ability to respect and reflect their patients’ values and culture in the medical care they are providing.
MCOM will be officially recognized during the AOA biennial meeting sometime in 2021.
The USF Health Morsani College of Medicine Class of 2019.
More than 1,000 friends and family of USF Health senior medical students packed The Mahaffey Theatre to welcome the nation’s newest doctors and bid farewell to University of South Florida System President Judy Genshaft.
During her speech to the students and families, she spoke about the path they took to get where they are and the path that lies ahead.
University of South Florida System President Judy Genshaft.
“Take a moment to recognize the magnitude of what this ceremony means. Today you join a new community of health care professionals that contributes to the advancement of our society through a commitment to making life better,†Dr. Genshaft said.
During the ceremony, MCOM Dean and USF Health Senior Vice President Charles J. Lockwood, MD, MHCM, shared how appreciative he is of the support Dr. Genshaft has given USF Health and MCOM. He would later highlight how proud he is of the new doctors and how they will help shape health care for the future.
Morsani College of Medicine Dean and USF Health Senior Vice President Charles Lockwood, MD, MHCM.
After his speech, Dr. Lockwood and Dr. Genshaft presented the USF Honorary Degree to Harlan Krumholz, MD, world renowned cardiologist and health care researcher at Yale University and Yale-New Haven Hospital, who also served as guest speaker at the ceremony. After receiving the degree Dr. Krumholz, spoke to the group about what new doctors can bring to health care organizations.
“Your responsibility on this path is to always remember what the experience is for patients, to see through their eyes, and to protect their interests and promote their welfare,†he said. “You have skills, power, and influence – all of which will grow as your career progresses. Use them wisely to make the world better.â€
Harlan Krumholz, MD, USF Honorary Degree recipient for the ceremony.
To show his appreciation, Dr. Lockwood presented Dr. Genshaft and her husband Steven Greenbaum with the MCOM Dean’s Award for their tireless efforts and contributions to improve USF Health’s footprint in the region and across the country.
“Health and medicine are just who we are. It’s our sweet spot, it’s our specialty. I am so proud of the advancements of our medical school and our university,†Dr. Genshaft said after she and Greenbaum received their award. “We have the best medical students in the state of Florida.â€
Then the students recited the Oath of Hippocrates, led by Deborah DeWaay, MD, associate dean of the Office of Educational Affairs. Dr. Genshaft conferred the Doctor of Medicine degrees to the students and, as each name was recited by Kira Zwygart, MD, associate dean for the MCOM Office of Student Affairs, students received their academic hoods and diplomas, officially marking the end of their medical school journey.
Students recite the Oath of Hippocrates before being hooded.
Dr. Anne Laverty, who delivered the student speech for the ceremony, gave heart-felt remarks that challenged her classmates to remember their oath and always be the hope their patients need.
Anne Laverty, MD, MCOM Class of 2019 alumnus.
“I hope we can be kind when the day has not been kind to us. That we can be good to ourselves, as we will inevitably be challenged throughout our careers and lives,†she said. “I’m so happy and proud to have learned with and from each of you. Be well and do good.â€
Before the event ended, James Goodreau, MD, presented the Charge to the Graduates.
James Goodreau, MD, delivering the Charge to the Graduates.
“You have survived the four-year trial by fire known as medical school. We’re sorry to see you go, but you are ready to move on to bigger and better things,†said Dr. Goodreau. “Face your past without regret, learn from your mistakes, handle your present with confidence. You are ready to take the next steps in your training. Face the future without fear. Don’t just enter the future, create the future.â€
Other images from the day:
Patrick Mullen, MD, with Drs. Judy Genshaft and Charles Lockwood.
Ariel Crocker, MD, being hooded during the ceremony.
Dr. Judy Genshaft and her husband Steve Greenbaum after receiving the MCOM Dean’s Award.
MCOM’s newest military doctors take the Oath of Commissioning before being promoted.
Story and photos by Fredrick J. Coleman. Video by Torie Doll