Lecture Title:
“Clinical Knowledge Development: Continuity of Care of Injured Service Members”
Please join us for a Guest Lecture.
Contact Gloria Roby for more information.
Lecture Title:
“Promoting Nursing Excellence through Research and Evidence-based Practice”
Please join us for a Guest Lecture.
Contact Gloria Roby for more information.
USF College of Nursing Alumni Event
Join the USF College of Nursing and Dean Victoria L. Rich at a private reception followed by the Baccalaureate Pinning Ceremony – featuring the Alumni Path of Light.
Mingle with fellow alumni and faculty, hear updates on the College of Nursing, and welcome new graduates into the profession.
> Reception begins at 5:30 pm
> Light refreshments will be served
> Baccalaureate Pinning Ceremony begins at 6:30 pm
RSVP early, limited space available!
The USF College of Nursing is pleased to host Ellen M. Lavoie Smith, PhD, APRN, AOCN®, FAAN, who will present “Bedside to Bench to Bedside: Managing Painful Chemotherapy-Induced Peripheral Neuropathy” at noon on Tuesday, March 5, in MDN 2005.
Dr. Smith is an associate professor and director of the PhD program at the University of Michigan School of Nursing. Her program of research is focused on improving the assessment and treatment of chronic, cancer-related neuropathic pain, with a specialty focus in painful chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy.
She has received independent research funding from the National Institutes of Health, the Oncology Nursing Society, the American Cancer Society, Dartmouth, and the University of Michigan. Dr. Smith conducted a cross-sectional study evaluating the clinimetric properties of peripheral neuropathy and neuropathic pain measurement approaches. She also completed an Oncology Nursing Society-funded study focused on utilizing quality improvement methodology to improve neuropathic pain management in cancer patients.
Dr. Smith recently completed a national multisite research trial through the Cancer and Leukemia Group B (CALGB 170601). This was the first large randomized, placebo-controlled trial to reveal an effective intervention (duloxetine) for painful chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy.
Her findings on the “Effect of duloxetine on pain, function, and quality of life among patients with chemotherapy-induced painful peripheral neuropathy” were featured in the JAMA Report (April 3, 2013). In addition, a television clip highlighting this study was aired on 183 television stations throughout the United States and was viewed by more than 17 million viewers, with another 82 million viewing the video clip online. It was also covered in a video segment by Sanjay Gupta, MD.
USF College of Nursing Alumni Event
Join the College of Nursing faculty and Dean Victoria L. Rich at a private reception followed by the Baccalaureate Pinning Ceremony – featuring the *Alumni Path of Light.
Mingle with fellow alumni and faculty, hear updates on the College of Nursing, and welcome new graduates into the profession.
– Breakfast Reception begins at 9:30 am
– Baccalaureate Pinning Ceremony begins at 10:30 am
> RSVP early, limited space available!*During the ceremony graduating baccalaureate nursing students move through a lighted path, led by their mentors, faculty and alumni, to ceremoniously receive their nursing pin, marking the transition from student to professional nurse. Read more about the Pinning Ceremony and the Path of Light.
USF College of Nursing Alumni Event
Join the USF College of Nursing and our distinguished alumni for a nursing career panel discussion at the Center for Advanced Medical Learning and Simulation (CAMLS).
Featuring Alumni Panelists:
Susan Scherer, CEO and Founder, Heavenly Hash Creamery (BSN ’13)
Monica Carrington, Nurse Manager, Tampa General Hospital (BA ’11, BSN ’13)
Duellyn Pandis, MS, President and CEO, Passport Health of Tampa Bay (DNP ’17)