Posted on Aug 23, 2013

The Huffington Post highlights Dr. Meredeth Rowe’s study on improving sleep for those caring for people with Alzheimer’s

The Huffington Post highlights Dr. Meredeth Rowe’s study on improving sleep for those caring for people with Alzheimer’s

The Huffington Post highlighted University of South Florida College of Nursing Professor and Endowed Chair, Meredeth Rowe, RN, PhD, FGSA, FAAN, and her current study focused on individuals who care for people suffering with dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. The study tests the relationship between caregiver sleep and heart disease to help understand what negatively affects caregiver health.

USF Nursing Investigates Whether Improving Sleep Reduces  Heart
USF Nursing Dr. Meredeth Rowe testing the CareAlert system she will use to conduct the research study 

“Caregiving and lack of sleep each separately increase the risk of heart disease,” said Dr. Rowe in the Huffington Post article. “We want to discover whether improving sleep in caregivers lowers that risk.”

The article written by Medical Guardian’s Content Marketing Manager, Hilary Young, and was published in the Huffington Post website on Aug. 20, 2013.

To read The Huffington Post’s full article on Dr. Rowe and her research visit, “Caregivers and Sleep: A New Research Study.”

For related stories on Dr. Rowe visit USF College of Nursing’s News Page here.