Posted on Mar 29, 2013

USF College of Nursing takes partnership with Burapha University in Thailand to the next step

USF College of Nursing takes partnership with Burapha University in Thailand to the next step

The University of South Florida College of Nursing Dean and Senior Associate Vice President of USF Health, Dianne Morrison-Beedy, PhD, RN, WHNP-BC, FNAP, FAANP, FAAN, was appointed Visiting Professor in the Faculty of Nursing at the Burapha University in Thailand. The appointment came after USF College of Nursing established the first historic international collaborative agreement in nursing with Burapha University and Srinakharinwirot University in February, 2013.

Dianne Morrison-Beedy and LaRon Nelson in Thailand
Dianne Morrison-Beedy and LaRon Nelson in Thailand

These agreements for collaboration with Burapha University and Srinakharinwirot University are part of the College’s initiative called POWER with NursingPartnership Opportunities for Wellness, Education and Research. The USF College of Nursing will work with each partner to provide a collaboration that meets both their needs and USF’s. Currently, discussions have resulted in the following collaborative ideas:

Burapha University

  • Up to 4 Thai nursing leaders will be matched with up to 4 USF College of Nursing researchers who will mentor and supervise the students upon entry into the doctoral program.
  • Nursing leaders who are accepted to the PhD program will be funded by the government of Thailand to study their PhDs in Nursing at USF College of Nursing.
  • Opportunities for USF College of Nursing faculty research in locally-identified Thailand nursing priority areas: areas of end of life care, support for caregivers of the elderly, cancer symptom management, and primary and secondary HIV prevention.

Srinakharinwirot University

  • Post-doc scientist from Srinakharinwirot University to be mentored over 12-months by senior USF College of Nursing scientist.
  • Focus on developing enhanced research skills and publishing as first author on at least 1 data-based article in an international peer-reviewed journal by the end of the post-doc.

Dean Dianne Morrison-Beedy created a video to thank both universities for welcoming USF College of Nursing in Thailand. The video can be seen below or you can visit the College’s YouTube Channel.


Through POWER with Nursing, our Partnership Opportunities for Wellness, Education and Research, the College of Nursing’s initiatives with existing and expanding collaborations stretch across the region, nation and globe. POWER with Nursing provides opportunities to collaborate with the USF College of Nursing on important initiatives like expanding the research residencies program, providing increased opportunities for interprofessional education, and expanding USF Global nursing programs.