Posted on Jul 20, 2012

USF Nursing and Accelerated Resolution Therapy (ART) study mentioned in One Med Place article

USF Nursing and Accelerated Resolution Therapy (ART) study mentioned in One Med Place article

University of South Florida College of Nursing and the Accelerated Resolution Therapy (ART) study on post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) were mentioned in a recent One Med Place article, which talked about how a decade of war oversees has pushed PTSD to the forefront in healthcare concerns.

University of South Florida College of Nursing and the Accelerated Resolution Therapy (ART) study on post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) were mentioned in a recent One Med Place article, which talked about how a decade of war oversees has pushed PTSD to the forefront in healthcare concerns.

The article talked about the USF College of Nursing’s ART study and the initial promising results on PTSD treatment. ART is a talk therapy that uses back-and-forth eye movement controlled in a brief treatment period to minimize anxiety and body sensations associated with recall of traumatic memories and to replace distressing images with favorable ones.

“Studies are underway to find the best treatment for PTSD,” wrote Ayot in the article. “University of South Florida researchers have just published the results of an initial study that indicates the treatment seems to work well for PTSD.”

ART is a revolutionary intervention being tested in one of the five sub-studies of the USF College of Nursing’s Research to Rehabilitate/Restore the Lives of Veterans, Service Members and their Families grant funded by the U.S. Army Medical Research and Materiel Command (TATRC).

To read the full article visit One Med Place’s website at, “A decade of war pushes PTSD to the forefront in Healthcare concerns.”  The article was written by One Med Place’s Herina Ayot, and was published on June 27, 2012.