Posted on Oct 12, 2012

USF Nursing Dean Chairs 2012 Faculty & Staff Campaign – Kick-off a Success

USF Nursing Dean Chairs 2012 Faculty & Staff Campaign – Kick-off a Success

Over 300 faculty and staff from across the USF system, packed the Marshall Center Ballroom on October 2, 2012 to kick-off the University of South Florida Annual Faculty Staff Campaign. This year’s theme “The Future is Bright for the USF System!” was evident everywhere from the invitation, to the table decorations of beach pails and shovels, to the university leadership sporting aprons and sunglasses.

Dean Dianne Morrison -Beedy (Left) and President Judy Genshaft (Right)

This year’s Campaign Chair, Dianne Morrison-Beedy, PhD, RN, WHNP-BC, FNAP, FAANP, FAAN, Senior Associate Vice President of USF Health, and Dean of the College of Nursing kicked off the campaign with an enthusiastic welcome to all.

“As Chair of this year’s Faculty & Staff Campaign for the University of South Florida System, it is my privilege to welcome you all today to this kick-off luncheon,” said Dean Morrison-Beedy. “As the Dean of Nursing, I wanted to work in some health-conscious ideas to the festivities. So along with the beach pails and shovels, make sure to wear your UNSTOPPABLE sunglasses and sunscreen, because the Future is Bright at USF!”

Dean Morrison-Beedy recognized Campaign co-Chair Sandy Lovins, Vice President Administrative Services, the VIP Servers (Senior Vice President John Long, Vice President Nick Trivunovich, Dean James Moy, Dean Julianne Serovich, Dean Bob Sullins, Interim Vice President Denita Siscoe, Interim Vice President Cindy Visot, Dean Karen Liller, Dean Eric Eisenberg, and Provost Ralph Wilcox) and the more than 100 faculty and staff who volunteer as area representatives. The crowd responded with thunderous applause as she asked all the volunteers to stand saying “You make this campaign possible, we couldn’t do it without you!”

Dean Bob Sullins, Dean James Moy, Interim Vice President Cindy Visot, Dean Julianne Serovich, Dean Karen Liller
(Left To Right: Dean Bob Sullins, Dean James Moy, Interim Vice President Cindy Visot, Dean Julianne Serovich, Dean Karen Liller)

USF System President Judy Genshaft gave an energetic welcome to the attendees. She thanked all for their generous giving and achieving 41% participation across the USF System during the Faculty & Staff Campaign during the past year.

(USF System President Judy Genshaft)

Dean Morrison-Beedy announced that during the past year an amazing 2,844 faculty and staff gave across the USF system, making it the greatest number of donors in the history of the Faculty & Staff Campaign. She reminded the attendees that contributions from the Campaign benefit all students including fellow faculty & staff who attend classes to achieve degree goals while working at USF.  She then introduced College of Nursing Office Assistant, Melanie Martinez an employee scholarship recipient who inspired all with an emotional testimonial about the impact the Faculty & Staff Campaign has made in her life.

(College of Nursing Office Assistant, Melanie Martinez)

“I graduated in 2010 from USF with dreams of being an attorney; it was what I wanted for as long as I could remember. Unfortunately I realized, a little too late, that law school was not for me. It was then, through some extensive searching that I fell in love with Speech Language Pathology. But at that time it was just a dream, after having worked 3 jobs and pulling loans to make it through my first degree there was no way I could do it again. Then I came back USF, but this time as an employee. I looked forward to being on campus and was excited about being able to take a few classes, well those few classes spiraled into a full degree and I found myself taking 9 credit hours and working full time. But this time I wasn’t alone. I had the support of my colleagues, my classmates and you. This scholarship not only helped me take 9 credits at a time but it reminded me that I was home and I wasn’t alone. So, thank you for inspiring me, and thank you for always making me feel so at home. Go Bulls!”

Senior Associate Vice President for University Advancement, Rod Grabowski spoke to those gathered about the importance of the USF Faculty & Staff Campaign. Again, emphasizing the importance of the campaign he called the collective gifts contributed by USF System faculty and staff this past year a “significant part” of the USF Foundation’s nearly $82 million in donations for the USF: Unstoppable Campaign.

Dean Morrison-Beedy closed out the kick-off with a stirring call to action.

 “I know that by being here you all are demonstrating your commitment to the Faculty & Staff Campaign, but I am asking every one of you to take that commitment a step further,” said Dean Morrison-Beedy. “Go back to your departments and help encourage everyone to participate, no matter how much they give. Each gift to the USF Faculty & Staff campaign makes a real difference to real people, together we can help ensure that the Future’s Bright for USF!”

Attendees were in a festive mood throughout the luncheon, and left energized about this year’s USF Faculty & Staff Campaign.

For more information on giving to USF during the the 2012 Faculty & Staff Campaign, visit the campaign website at

If you were one of the many faculty and staff members who had fun having your pictures taken at the new photo booth at the luncheon, you may view your photos on the USF Administrative Services Flickr page.